*Trigger warning: I talk about religion.
When it comes to spirituality and my interest in less mainstream forms of practice, it's taken time to find "my people." I truly enjoy a lot of what's considered "woo woo." So if that's you, get in touch! I offer small group experiences for my fellow empaths and sensitives who are struggling to stay grounded and centered with self-care.
Many of us come to the spiritual because we've been disappointed by the faith we were brought up in. I'm sure we can all swap stories from childhood that indicate why we're moved away from specific beliefs.
While there's no need to go into all of my religious baggage, it might be entertaining for you to view a snapshot of my spiritual journey.
It looks like this: repressed Catholic schoolgirl rejecting all dogma, dabbling in Buddhism, finding yogic philosophy, reading some books by Pema, meditating a bit more, chillin' with Tara Brach pre-pandemic in Bethesda, taking an Intro to Judaism course because she's dating a Jewish man, opening to the world of Kabbalah, discovering Reiki has roots in Buddhism, and getting lost down the rabbit hole of the metaphysical.
Phew! That was more than I thought and I'm still missing a few high points like actually going through the process of getting my marriage annulled by the Catholic church several years later after the divorce. Strangely enough, despite the part where you're interrogated by a group of priests at some point in the process, the whole thing was incredibly healing. And yes, I mostly did it to make my mom happy. (Sigh...the silly things we do to sustain love and belonging. lol)
I like to think of spirituality as more than just religion and finding answers to our existential angst. It's anything and everything that brings us alive and feeds the soul. Right?
Reflect on your journey. What have you explored in your lifetime? What would you like to learn more about?
Even eating an amazing meal can feel spiritual. (Don't get me started on food. lol)
For this post, I'm sharing the fun stuff I like to watch and listen to that makes me think, laugh, and feel alive. My intention is to get you thinking about WHAT YOU LIKE AND ENJOY and finding it and being with it even if others think it's weird or stupid. So if you hate everything on this list, THAT'S OK. Diversity of thought is my jam. Find what works FOR YOU.
Tara Brach: If you don't know this amazing human, she's your go-to for everything mindful. She created a simple strategy for practicing self-compassion. It's called RAIN: Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture. This acronym alone is awesome for everyday practice. What I absolutely love about it, is that it's a lifesaver for those weeks when you're just a bit on edge, reactive, and highly (and uncomfortably) emotional. Mindfulness is trending for a reason. It really works. This is an easy entry point to give it a go. Tara offers many, many more opportunities for trying things out. Check her out. She might just turn your world upside down.
Lindsay Mack: I listen to the podcast Tarot for the Wild Soul (a little sped up because sometimes she talks on the slow side for my attention span) as a newbie slowly opening to tarot. What I love about her episodes is that she speaks on tarot from the perspective of using it as a spiritual support. She's incredibly insightful and comforting and honest. She's authentic. Bonus support: she shares tidbits on navigating her personal journey with chronic pain.
Chani Nicholas: Dare I say that anyone who makes fun of Mercury Retrograde has not taken a full deep dive into the wisdom of astrology? When you get even just a smidge deeper into forecasts like the ones Chani podcasts, you begin to understand just how life-affirming astrology is as a tool that helps you make sense of it all. Now that I think about it, it's seriously been my favorite go-to for understanding this crazy world we live in. It's a fun antidote to my existential anxieties. It's also been one of my most favorite fun deep dives since adolescence. I'm constantly amazed at the supportive gems I discover when listening to professional astrologers. I also enjoy Dani Beinstein.
Jenna Zoe: One of my most fun discoveries over pandemic was learning about HUMAN DESIGN. For those of you who are familiar, it probably doesn't surprise you that I'm a Manifesting Generator with a 4/1 profile. Just hop on the site to find out what your energy type is. It will help you make sense of your patterns and perhaps provide a bit on guidance on coming into full mind, body, spirit alignment. I love listening to Jenna talk about life from her spiritual perspective which is shaped by Kabbalah and Human Design. Check out her podcast here.
Tori Dunlap: I always appreciate a fresh feminist perspective and Tori definitely delivers on that with her content on finance. I enjoy her newsletters most because they're a weekly reminder to pay attention to my relationship with money. And if you don't know this already, LOVE AND MONEY are intertwined like nobody's business. If you are having difficulties in your love life, you must face the reality of how you're managing your money. And vice-versa. It blows my mind every time I hear how the two affect one another.
Lee Harris: Honestly, Lee Harris is the intuitive gay best friend that I wish I always had. He's incredibly uplifting and very real all at the same time. His videos on YouTube have been such a welcome down-regulation after a long day. I love his monthly energy updates and supportive and encouraging messages. And when he speaks on a topic, it's not fluff. It's real content. I'm curious about his new course for entrepreneurs called Grow Your Business. This year's run begins soon. This video is free content that gives you super helpful business advice and outlines what's in the course.
Maryam Hasnaa: What can I say? I absolutely LOVE all the work and insights that Maryam shares with the world. She largely presents from a Sufi perspective since that's her upbringing. She's your gal for the fun metaphysical explorations like timeline jumping and juicy energy work that has real-life implications in relationships. I'm taking her course The Subtle Art of Relationship Dynamics for the second time this year. Come join me! It's all recorded so you don't have to attend live. She has a treasure trove of resources on her website channeled specifically for highly sensitive intuitives that comes packaged in a great online portal called New Earth Mystery School. Membership is super affordable.
LAUGHTER: So of course, the best laughs are experienced with your community: friends, partners, and family. Just get silly. Be dumb. It creates an amazing bond that gets you through the tough times. When you need comic relief on demand, the next best thing is YouTube! Since I'm no longer active on social media, YouTube is like turning on the TV for me and my short attention span absolutely loves it. Lately I've been watching old snippets of SNL (Saturday Night Live), Jimmy Fallon, Graham Norton, reaction videos to Taylor Swift, etc. My favorite bits are when celebrities do impressions of one another. Ariana Grande is a master at this. And the obsession with Taylor Swift? Check this out.
My list here is definitely not all-inclusive. Making art and listening to music are both deeply spiritual to me (another post for another day!). What else do you connect with as spiritual support? Feel free to get in touch to share your recommendations or just come see me in-person! Here's the link to BOOK HERE.